The princesses

May Chen
2 min readOct 30, 2021

The story of the Japanese princess got married and gave up her status is shocking but not shocking. I understand the feeling of growing up in the eastern culture and are expected to fill in the roles your family expect one to fill, live others’ dreams instead of one’s own, and I cannot agree more with her choices.

Recently I decided to start a career in venture capital instead of filling what my parents expect me to do, staying in academia. They are constantly calling me and expect me to live their dreams. I am so tired of dealing with them so I just keep ignoring their messages which has nothing to do with me nor what I want. I guess everyone has parents’ issues and I am not alone in the world for failing to meet my parents’ expectations. After all, how can they try to micromanage my life from China?

As I said in my interview, I have no ambition at all for becoming a professor. I see teaching as something to give back to society after a lot of years of experience and I DO NOT SEE THE LOGIC of me who spent 10 years studying economics and business not applying my knowledge in real world. Anyone who is expecting me to teach is like asking a doctor not going into the operating room and just write papers and conduct research.

I will say once again, what brings me satisfaction is to bring a company public, finding a under valued stock, and that gives me two career choices, joining a VC or a hedge fund.

I am too busy to argue with all the voices who try to convince me to become a professor. That is not what I want and I will not follow the path.

